Hi! Delanie again! Like I said, I'm going to talk about my pets.
My pets rock! They are funny and they are cute in all different ways that make me smile. Do you have a pet? Let me hear your response. Well, let's focus on one pet at a time.
Bodhi: Male Viszla dog who is cute, funny, and sometimes trouble. His fav. color is green and his fav. sport is soccer.
Maggie: Female Cavachon (mix of a Bichon and Cavalier King Charles Spaniel) dog who is small, fluffy, and needs a good grooming badly! Her fav. color is pink and she loves to drive!
Mushu: Ragdoll cat who is awesome, beautiful, and a totally adorable kitty. Her fav. color is yellow and she loves to hit things off of the counter!!!
Theodore: Is a Teddybear hamster who is funny, fat, and hilarious. His fav. color is orange and he loves to RUN!!!!!!!!!!! He also loves to store food in his cheeks. I love to watch him shove his treats in and get huge cheeks! Once he escaped from his ball and we found him later in my brother's closet! My brother was not amused!
Fish: I have a saltwater fish tank in my room. I have three fish and some live rock and corals. it is very pretty but kind of hard to take care of!
Next post I'm going to talk about my day in San Fran., as in shopping and my secret life as a model. Stay tuned so you can find out about my trip!
You are lucky you have a mommy that puts up with all those pets!
Your pets are sooooo cute Delanie.
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