Hey,Delanie again sorry I haven't posted something in a little while,sorry!!! Well, this post I am going to write about my NEW KITTEN, Nala like in the Lion King. Her full name is Nala Malika. Malika is African for miracle. Whoa, Lets start from the beginning! Just a couple weeks ago, on Wednesday I got to go look at the CUTEST KITTEN IN THE WORLD!!! We had to go ALL THE WAY TO FAIRFIELD to look at her. When I saw her to see if I wanted to get her it was a definite YES!!! 1 week later... I got dropped off for Outdoor Ed. and my mom at 1:00 went and got the kitten!!!! I came back on friday sprinting to get my suitcase and then to the car! On the way back to the house I told my mom to go faster! Ha ha ha, I was so... excited to see her I forgot all about my bags and ran straight to Connor's room. I saw her and melted. I couldn't believe she was the cutest little thing. The pic is of her!!! Isn't she cute...wait let me answer that SHE IS THE CUTEST THING ALIVE!!! On OCTOBER 5TH is Nala's b-day so I deeply( super deeply) encourage you to leave a comment wishing her a happy birthday, and make sure you leave the comment on exactly the day of october 5th or if you do not Nala will scratch and meow the whole day. And don't you nice people not want to see a sad face on the CUTEST THING ALIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!